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Two Easy Ways to Decorate a Wood Bird House
I’ve had a rustic style wood birdhouse in my stash for a couple of years now, so I thought it was about time I did something with it.
These two easy ways to decorate a wood birdhouse don’t involve any paint at all, although if you are using a plain wood one, you may want to add a coat of white paint first.
The decorated birdhouse can be used to decorate your home throughout the spring and summer months.
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Idea No. One
Supplies Used:
- wood birdhouse, approx. size 6 1/2″ tall by 3 3/4″ wide (Dollarama)
- 1 sheet of eucalyptus wall decals (Dollar Tree)
- sheet moss (Dollarama)
I bought this rustic style birdhouse at Dollarama some time ago. It’s about 6 1/2 inches tall and 3-3/4 inches wide. I cut off the jute hanger and filled in the hole using wood filler. This wall decal is just about the perfect length to go all the way around the birdhouse.
I determined the placement of the wall decal by locating the section of the decal that would best fit around the perch.
Then I just kept smoothing the decal around all four sides of the birdhouse. On this side, I tucked the leaves at the top under the roof.
I used my detail scissors to trim down the decal to fit around the perch.
A view of the left side of the birdhouse. This is where to two ends met and overlapped slightly. This eucalyptus wall decal was just the right length to go around this size birdhouse.
The right side of the birdhouse.
The back of the birdhouse. You can seal the wall sticker with Mod Podge, if you want to make it permanent.
I decided the birdhouse looked a bit unfinished, so I hot glued some sheet moss to the roof. This has the added benefit of covering up the spot I filled in after cutting off the hanger.
I was pleased with the way this looked and how easy it was to do, but decided to give this same birdhouse a different makeover.
Idea No. 2
Supplies Used:
- wood birdhouse (as above)
- hydrangea rub on transfers (Dollar Tree)
Dollar Tree has so many lovely rub on transfers. I thought I would redo the same birdhouse using some of these hydrangeas. The eucalyptus wall sticker peeled off easily and I can reuse it again, if I want.
I chose this larger transfer that fit nicely into the bottom corner of the birdhouse. You can use a scraper to apply the transfers, but I find it just as effective to use a fingernail, especially on the smaller rub ons.
I liked the way this looked so far.
I finished the design by adding three of the smaller images around the top of the opening and then found a lady bug rub on transfer from another sheet of rub ons I had on hand. I thought it added just a little extra colour to the design, but go ahead and add more flowers, if that’s your preference. A butterfly rub on would also make a nice addition.
The finished birdhouse makes a pretty spring decoration on my mantel and I can use it as an indoor ornament all summer.
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