Decoupage A Wood Bunny for Easter

I’m a sucker for bunnies. Every spring and Easter I have to restrain myself from picking up every new rabbit decoration I see in dollar stores. 

I did, however, pick up one wood shape so I could try my hand at decoupage. It turns out that it’s not as difficult as it sounds. Here’s how to decoupage a wood bunny for Easter.

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Decoupage a Wood Bunny for Easter

Supplies Used and Recommendations:


I saw these cute Easter decorations in Dollarama a few weeks ago. I must say, I’m glad I grabbed one when I did because they didn’t last long. This was the inspiration for my decoupage project.

Step 1: Paint Wood Bunny White



The same day, I came across these plain wood shapes and wondered if I could do something similar to the one I’d bought using the decoupage technique. This unfinished wood shape can stand on its own.

I started by painting it white.

Step 2: Choose a Napkin



I already had these napkins on hand. Even though they’re only printed around the edges, there was enough pattern for my purposes.

Step 3: Separate Napkin Layers



When using a napkin to decoupage, you need to separate it from the backing so you’re only using the top layer.

Step 4: Mod Podge Napkin to Wood Shape



Tear around the patterns you want and place them where you want them. Mod Podge them in place. Copying my inspiration pieces, the idea is to leave some of the white showing. You have to be careful when brushing on the Mod Podge or you risk tearing the napkin as I did here. 

Step 5: Trim the Napkin Edges



When the Mod Podge is dry, you can trim the edges using sandpaper. I like to use an emery board on small pieces like this, so that the crevices are easily reached.

When all the edges are smoothed, give the whole piece a coating of Mod Podge.

Finished Easter Decoration



While it’s not perfect, I’m quite happy with the way my bunny turned out. You can see a bit of my inspiration piece in the corner. The colours match well, don’t you think?

The finished decoration would be perfect for a tiered tray. While this wood piece has some thickness to it, gluing a tumbling tower block to the back, will help to ensure its stability. 


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