Spring & Easter
Using Plastic Packaging as Molds for Clay
This past Easter I had picked up some fillable bunnies, similar to the fillable eggs, to use as party favours. Afterward, I got looking at the plastic packaging and realized it would make a perfect mold. Even if I was into making candy, this plastic would certainly not be food safe, but I thought I’d try my hand at using the modelling clay I had on hand.
Now, I’m by no means an expert using modelling clay, but it was a fun exercise. Though by no means perfect, I am pretty happy with the results. Feel free to offer tips!
Supplies Used:
- 1 package modelling clay (Dollarama. Smaller packages available at Dollar Tree)
- molded plastic insert from fillable Easter bunnies (or other embossed packaging)
- sandpaper and/or emery board
The plastic Easter bunnies came in a package of three. This is the packaging that inspired my efforts. I ended up cutting each mold out separately to make them easier to work with.
Through trial and error, I discovered that rolling a piece of clay out flat was the best way to start. I used a full paint bottle as a rolling pin.
Starting With a Thin Layer of Clay
The next step was to place the clay into the mold, making sure it filled in all the nooks and crannies.
This is what the top half of the bunny looked like. I figured I could smooth out the rough spots after I took the clay out of the mold.
After I had put a thin layer into the mold in the bottom using the same method, I filled in the rest of the mold with clay right to the rim. You can smooth it out, but I didn’t care if the back was perfect.
Getting the clay figure out of the mold wasn’t too difficult, ‘though I did manage to dent in the bunny’s haunches a bit.
Sanding and Painting
After I let the bunny figures dry overnight, they were ready to sand and paint. I started out using a sanding sponge to smooth the edges but soon realized that an emery board did just as good a job on this material and I was able to get into the crevices better.
I chose bright Spring colours for mine. You could use whatever colour or colours take your fancy and/or suit your needs.
Well, the bunny shape is there, lol! This is after one coat of acrylic paint, which is all I did. In retrospect, I think a second coat of paint would be in order and maybe Mod Podge to seal it.
Finished Figurines
Here’s my Spring bunny trio. Again, if you have any tips to offer on working with modelling clay, bring ’em on! Still, I don’t think my little figurines turned out too badly for a first try.
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