Crafts for Spring and Easter

Spring & Easter

Crafts for Spring and Easter

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love spring. The weather may be unpredictable, (especially in March!), but you can’t help but be encouraged that winter is on the way out. And spring means Easter isn’t far off.

With these two thoughts in mind, I offer the following three craft ideas for your perusal:

3D Floral

Flowers are always a welcome harbinger of spring but, when it’s still too early for the real deal, faux flowers are the next best thing and perfect for use in crafts.


For this idea you will need:

  • a wooden 9 by 7 inch frame
  • paint
  • long spray of artificial spring flowers
  • mirrored butterfly accents
  • hot glue gun
  • wire cutters

I started with an old 9 by 7-inch chunky frame, sans glass. In it’s previous incarnation it was dark brown; not a very spring-like colour, so I lightened it up using craft paint from Country Chic. The manufacturers call this shade Happy Hour; I call it light green. Choose a colour that makes your hours happy.




Previously, I had chosen this pretty spray of purple flowers from the dollar store, not really knowing what I was going to do with them. That happens a lot, lol. Then I rediscovered some old wooden frames in the basement that sparked an idea. A chunky frame like this one is perfect for this project.


Cut the floral stem to an appropriate length. As you can see, the idea is to have the flowers spill out over the top of the frame. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of where to glue the stems, but it’s very easy to do. Once the paint on the frame is dry, turn it over and, using a generous dollop of hot glue, affix the stems to the left-hand bottom corner, making sure the flowers fill the frame and spill out the front of it on an angle.

Then I hot glued the mirrored butterflies onto the frame and flower stems. The one on the now right-hand corner is to cover up the place where the cut stems showed.

This makes a pretty springtime wall hanging that you can leave up all summer if you’ve a mind to.

Easter Under Glass

Cloches are a great way to decorate any time of year.

For this centrepiece I used:

  • a white platter with raised embossed edges
  • three small acrylic bunnies
  • three stemless wine glasses
  • three artificial flower heads
  • three small metal door knobs (sold in packages of two at Dollarama)
  • hot glue




This platter is 14-inches long and 8 1/2-inches wide. I found it at Dollarama.



There are two sizes of stemless wine glasses at the dollar store. I’m using the larger ones for this project. Hot glue the base of each knob to the bottom of each wine glass. I hope to use these glasses for their original purpose later on. A soak in hot water should release the glue so I can remove the knobs.


Now all you have to do is pair each bunny with a pretty flower under the glasses.

I like my little bunnies lined up together on the platter, but of course, you can always spread them around or make just one.

Versatile Floral Centrepiece

Versatility is to be admired, even when it comes to crafting. Here’s a craft that you can use for Easter decor and more.

For this idea I used:

  • three squares of floral foam
  • 2 1/4-inch wide burlap ribbon with lace trim
  • three floral bushes (Dollar Tree)
  • long, narrow tray 12 by 4 inches
  • moss
  • small plastic Easter eggs or Easter cupcake picks
  • glue gun
  • scissors


I started this centrepiece with the intention of using this long tray as a base. You don’t really need it, as it turns out, but it’s a nice finishing touch. These floral foam blocks are separated into four equal pieces. I got them at Dollar Tree and only used three for this project.

Lay the three pieces of floral foam end to end so that you have a form measuring about 10 inches long by 1 3/4-inches deep. Use hot glue to attach them.


These floral bushes from Dollar Tree caught my eye as unique from the usual run of flower stems.

Start by gluing one end of the burlap ribbon to the end of the foam block form. Make sure the bottom of the ribbon in flush with the bottom of the form.


Continue gluing the burlap all the way around the floral foam. Use a tool to press the burlap to the foam. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve burnt a finger using hot glue!

When you’re finished gluing the ribbon on, you should have about an inch of burlap extending over the top of the floral foam.



Add a layer of moss to the top of the foam.


Cut the floral bush stems so that only the busy parts show after they are poked all the way into the floral foam. Put one on each end and one in the middle.


Now, this is the fun part. Turn this into an Easter centerpiece by adding a few colourful plastic eggs around the floral picks or…



Use Easter cupcake picks, pushing them down into the floral foam so that only the top part shows. That way it looks like a bunch of chicks playing on the grass among the Easter eggs.



I think this is my favourite look for this decoration. Then, when Easter is over, simply remove the picks or plastic eggs and you’ve still got a nice decoration for your home!




Or, you could add other accents you may have on hand. Choice is a wonderful thing!


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