Storage and Organizing
Using Hanging Shelves Around the House
Have you ever felt like you are forever battling to find enough storage for your stuff? Or maybe, you’re like me – procrastination personified. So much to sort through, so little desire to get down to it.
Sometimes, all it takes is looking at something old in a new way to spur us to action. Some storage options, such as hanging shelves, we usually associate with the bedroom. Try them in other places around the house, as well.
Here are a few ideas using a hanging shelf unit that you can try.
I found these hanging shelves at Dollarama. The Velcro fastener at the top wraps securely around the rod in any closet. Try one in the front closet to help keep things off the floor. If you have older kids, you could assign a section to each one where they can park their hats, gloves or any other light accessories they may have.
If you’re turning a spare closet into a craft or wrapping station, these shelves will keep any light-weight materials such as fabric, card stock or gift bags right at your fingertips. Hang two or three of these from the rod in a closet to help organized your crafting materials.
In the guest room, these shelves make an ideal place to put towels and a basket with necessities such as a toothbrush that your guest may have forgotten. Or you could leave a couple of shelves free for them to store some of their clothes.
If you have a short wall in the bathroom, make extra room for towels and soaps by installing a shower curtain tension bar to hang one of these shelving units on. These particular shelves are about 11-inches deep, so make sure to position the shower bar so that enough room is allowed for the shelves to hang without bumping the wall it’s hanging against.
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