easy artwork for the kitchen

Kitchen and Bath

Hangin’ in the Kitchen

Easy Artwork for the Kitchen

If kitchen walls could talk, they might retell some of the funny stories they’ve heard around the family dinner table at night. They might whisper secrets passed between siblings while they were doing homework at the kitchen table in the evenings or they might justly shout, “Hey, we feel naked!”

If your kitchen walls are looking a little bare, here are some easy-on-the-budget ideas to help fill the empty spaces. Make them a jumping off point for ideas of your own that will stamp your kitchen as uniquely yours.


The design of this pot holder suggested other uses to me. Besides these butterflies, you could decorate it with buttons, ribbon or lettering. Then just hang it on the wall with the attached loop, either beside the kitchen phone to use for note paper or above the stove to keep small kitchen utensils handy.

Colorful trays make excellent decorative accents in the kitchen. This melamine tray cost $2 at Dollarama and is held on the wall using 3M Command picture hanging strips. Unfortunately, you only find these at the dollar store on rare occasions, but I love them for their ability to hold light objects like this on a wall when you can’t hang them in the usual way. Most department stores carry them.

The beauty of this system is that you can take the tray down to use if you need to, and then hang it back up again when you’re done with it. If you have the wall space, try a grouping of different sized trays or other kitchen-type objects.


My mom must have flattened miles and miles of pastry with this rolling pin. I wanted to keep this reminder of the apple pies and butter tarts of my childhood so I devised an easy way to hang it on the kitchen wall.

The handles on this shallow wire basket are just wide enough to hold the handles of the rolling pin securely in place. The tea towel is folded in half length-wise and secured at the back with a safety pin. A pair of fall leaves from a leafy stem was tied on using a bit of raffia.

Hanging this display is simplicity itself. Just center the wire tray over a nail and you’re done!