Ideas For Baby Shower Gifts

Weddings and Showers

Gifting Baby

Ideas for Baby Shower Gifts

Babies need a lot of stuff so, if you’ve been invited to a baby shower or are welcoming a newborn, there’s really no wrong choice. Dollar stores have a lot of baby and toddler items and grouping a few of these into a gift is an easy task.

Here are three suggestions. If you prefer, add an item or two from a department store to offset or “disguise,” if you will, the fact that your gift if mostly from a dollar store. Still, I think you’ll agree that these baby-friendly presents can stand by themselves.

This gift consists of a two-piece sleep set, a two-pack of undershirts, some baby socks and a soft baby blanket. Add a baby-appropriate stuffed toy, pack it all into a gift bag and you’re good to go.

Here’s a feeding themed gift packed in a baby-blue plastic basket that can be used later on to store baby’s books or small toys. This gift includes a sectioned melamine plate, two baby bottles, a water-filled teething ring, a package of two pacifiers, a three-pack of vinyl-backed bibs and a two-pack of heat-sensitive feeding spoons.

Then we threw in a fun ceramic piggy bank so mom can start a college fund. Use some basket wrap and a pastel bow to complete.


Maybe you’d like to give baby a bath time gift. We filled a bathroom wastebasket patterned with rubber ducks, about three-quarters full of newsprint, topped it with pastel tissue paper and then filled it with a 14 oz. bottle of baby powder, a 12 oz. bottle of baby lotion, a 15 oz. bottle of baby shampoo, a package of four water toys, a four-pack of baby wash cloths and a vinyl covered baby book. 

Pop the whole thing into a large gift bag or cover with basket wrap.