A Unique Fall House Number Sign

Autumn and Thanksgiving

A Unique Fall House Number Sign 

if you haven’t seen it, check out the house number sign I made for spring/summer. I hung it on a garden flag hanger that Dollar Tree had out in the spring. 

After I made that sign, I was inspired to make one for each major season and, of course, that meant that my next sign should be for fall. I had already bought a couple of extra wood plaques for the purpose, but when I saw the pumpkin signs at the dollar store…well, read on to see the result.

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A Pumpkin House Number Sign

For this fall house number sign you will need:


You can scrape off the glitter with a putty knife or a razor blade, if you like. We’ll be using the reverse side of the sign which will give me a blank canvas to work with.

Paint the Pumpkin 



I cut off the jute hanger, as I would be using a metal one. You may want to keep the original hanger, if you want to hang the sign on or next to your door. Indeed, for this particular sign, next to the front door would be the best place for it.

Then I painted the reverse side of the pumpkin with acrylic paint called pure pumpkin. These days pumpkins can be any colour you fancy. I just thought orange would make my sign stand out from the road better. Plus, I’m a hardcore traditionalist lol! By all means, you do you.



I used brown acrylic paint for the stem.

Make a Paper Backing


I traced the outline of the pumpkin onto Kraft paper to cover the back. This step won’t be necessary, if you will be hanging the sign on your house, but since mine is hanging in the open, I covered the writing on the now back of my sign. 



After Mod Podging the paper over the original writing on the pumpkin, trim off any overhang with a craft knife.

Add Definition


For his sign, I applied the house numbers to the center of the pumpkin. Next, I drew pencil lines as a guide, then measured, cut and glued the wired cord to the pumpkin in two places on each side to represent the curves on a pumpkin and give it some dimension.

Add Accents


The leaves pulled off this floral stem are attached. I used the connecting hole between the leaves to thread them onto another piece of wired cord.



I curled the cord into a tendril at one end.

Attach Cord to Stem


Next, I wrapped the wired cord around the back of the pumpkin stem.


I found it best to hot glue the cord at the corners of the stem. As I wrapped and glued the cord, I pushed the leaves closer to the tendriled end.


Filling in the Blanks



As I was finishing the pumpkin, I thought the bottom looked empty, so I hot glued a sunflower and leaf below the numbers.

Coat with Mod Podge


Lastly, I used outdoor Mod Podge to cover everything front and back. These paperboard signs, while sturdy, are not made of wood and the label on the outdoor Mod Podge says to hang things you use it on under a shelter, like a porch roof. My sign doesn’t have to endure winter weather. I’ll be replacing it again after our Canadian Thanksgiving, so I’m hoping the outdoor Mod Podge will get me through to the end of October.

Hanging the Sign



For the hanger, I used a length of chain from one of the metal plant hangers from the dollar store and separated the chain from the clasp.




Using a pair of needle nose pliers, I pried the clasp open.




You can then thread the clasp through the hole where the twine hanger was.



I then figured out how many links I needed for my sign to hang at a good height on the garden flag hanger. That turned out to be four on each side. Because of the size of the links, I was able to slide them onto the hanger, rather than prying the top links open to attach to it.



Due to the materials that the pumpkin is made of, I’ll have to bring it in whenever it rains. However, the finished house number sign makes a bright fall addition to my front garden.


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