Last minute Christmas gift idea

Christmas Ideas

They Grow on Trees?

Louise Martin has contributed several crafty ideas to Dollar Store Style over the years. Here’s one for sprucing up your gift card giving this holiday season. It’s a great last-minute idea.

– photos by Louise Martin

We’ve all got people who are hard to buy for and gift cards are great for solving those gift-giving dilemmas. But, let’s face it, giving a gift card in an envelope is boring. Here’s one idea for sprucing up gift-card giving that’s anything but boring.

Louise calls this a gift card tree. Neat idea! Dollarama sells these little potted trees and everything else used here. You can pop the tree into a Christmas bucket, as Louise has done here or cover the plain pot the tree comes in with a piece of basket wrap, cut to fit, securing it to the pot with some ribbon.

Then simply decorate your tree, add some mini lights, tuck the gift card(s) between the branches and it’s ready to give. Your recipient gets to keep the little tree and I think you’ll agree that it makes a beautiful tabletop decoration. It’s essentially two gifts in one.