Valentine Crafts Made Easy

Valentine’s Day

Hearts and Crafts

Valentine Crafts Made Easy 

Whether your Valentine’s Day includes time spent with friends and family or a quiet evening with a special someone, heart-shaped décor is sure to be part of the plan.

Here are three easy-to-do ideas for Valentine crafts that you can use to help fuel the loving feelings.

Frame Your Love

You will need:

  • a white 8 by 10-inch frame
  • one sheet of puffy Valentine stickers in symmetrical rows on a clear plastic background
  • scotch tape or glue dots


Remove the sheet that comes in the frame and turn it over so you have a blank piece of paper. Center the entire sheet of stickers on top of the paper and secure with some folded over tape or glue dots.

Use two small pieces of adhesive; one at the top and one at the bottom, to hold the sheet of stickers in place, making sure the tape is hidden behind two of the larger heart stickers. 



Replace the paper into the frame and you’re done! This was so easy, I can hardly believe it looks this good!

Sand Art Valentine

For this next idea, you will need:

  • a 9-inch cylinder vase
  • white decorative sand 
  • pink or red decorative sand
  • 3 medium-sized felt heart stickers, two red, one white
  • a sheet of Valentine stickers



Start by pouring the white sand into the first three-quarters of the vase. Add a second layer of pink sand and top that with another layer of white sand. Position the felt heart stickers in a row vertically on the vase so that the red ones have a background of white sand and the white one is backed by the pink sand. 

Decorate the larger hearts with contrasting colours from the smaller stickers. If you wish, you place a tea light on top to add a romantic glow to your celebrations.


Make your own picks for Valentine’s Day with a few simple supplies.

  • Medium-sized foam hearts
  • a package of long skewers
  • glue gun
  • small letter sheets
  • ribbon (optional)
  • assorted smaller hearts




Apply some hot glue down the middle of a foam heart and attach it to the top of the skewer.



The above picture shows the pick I made with three hearts. Turn the skewer over and glue a backing onto each heart in the same way as before.



Decorate each pick as you chose. I used stick-on letters, smaller hearts and a puffy fabric heart on mine. Notice the “bow” I made for the first heart using two small glitter hearts. Some of these additions will need a dab of craft glue to hold them in place.

Use your unique picks to add to a bouquet of flowers you’re giving as a gift or display them together using a small container like this candle holder from Dollar Tree filled with decorative sand.


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