Summer/Outdoor Living
Good To Grow
Cheap Garden Tools
Time to get down and dig it, the garden, that is. As usual, the dollar store has much to offer when it comes to earthy matters. The dollar store has oodles of gardening paraphernalia so youll want to check out the selection in a store near you.
Here we have a foam kneeling pad, gardening gloves, a pruner, a soaker hose and an assortment of sturdy wood and metal garden tools with padded handles. Each piece cost adollar to two dollars. Dollarama now has metal garden tools with long handles, too.
This trio of 5 ½ – inch tall wall pots might be just what the plant doctor ordered to help dress up an empty spot on a backyard fence. Also, look for an assortment of plant hangers and wall brackets.
If you’re like me and are better with dandelions than dahlias, don’t worry, you can always fill in the bare patches by planting colorful garden ornaments like these metal flowers. Stagger the height of each bloom by sinking the 29 ½-inch stems into the ground at different levels.
You can also get small stepping-stones and ceramic critters to display that will help to delight visitors to your garden and make sitting outside an eye-pleasing experience for you as well.
Put the finishing touch on your garden with the addition of fencing. There are a variety of styles
of plastic fencing to choose from as well as some metal fencing sections.